Gerard Dunning - Playwright

A New Psychological Drama - "The Last Stop"

A performer whose work delves into the complexities of human nature, blending tension and introspection with moments of unexpected levity.

The Last Stop

A chilling psychological drama where reality and introspection collide

by (2025)

Genre: Psychological Drama

Approximate Running Time: 25 minutes

Cast: Martin - Male (40-55), The Stranger - Gender/Age Ambiguous, The Voice


In the stillness of a desolate bus stop, two strangers meet in a haunting conversation that blurs the lines between reality and introspection. Martin, a man haunted by regrets and unresolved choices, is confronted by The Stranger, a figure whose unsettling calm unravels hidden truths. As the dialogue unfolds, the layers of Martin’s life are peeled back, revealing a man caught at the crossroads of his own existence.

With each scene, tension mounts, and the conversation takes on an almost otherworldly quality, exploring themes of identity, self-reflection, and the weight of unspoken fears. Subtle moments of levity offer brief reprieves from the psychological intensity, only to plunge the audience back into the raw and confronting depths of the human condition.

Ending with a shocking twist that leaves the audience questioning everything they’ve witnessed, The Last Stop is a gripping exploration of the choices we make—or fail to make—and the shadows that linger in their wake.

Perfect for fans of intimate, thought-provoking theatre, this one-act play will resonate long after the final curtain falls.

Authors Thoughts on "The Last Stop"

Where is the play taking place? An abyss between life and death. We witness a psychological transition in Martin. Perhaps he is dead already and the bus stop is life's playback before moving on. Perhaps it all very real.

Who is The Stranger? The script refers to The Stranger as "them". We don't know for sure. Maybe Martin's father, his Mother, or even a younger version of himself. The Stranger is a projection of Martin's inner emotions and self-image.

How do Scenes Transition? Scenes flow. However some might be punctuated with some street activity, a passing car, a dog barking, a person walking by. There is a stillness in the scene that complements The Stranger, but contrasts the growing emotions from Martin

Creative Commons License for "The Last Stop"

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Terms of Use:


  • You must give appropriate credit to the author, Gerard Dunning, in all promotional materials, programs, and acknowledgments related to this play.
  • You must credit the author prominently in the performance credits (e.g., "Written by Gerard Dunning").

Non-Commercial Use:

  • This play may not be used for commercial purposes without explicit permission from the author.

Notification of Performance:

  • Any individual or organisation intending to perform The Last Stop must notify the author prior to the performance, providing the following details:
  • Production Company Name
  • Director's Name
  • Full Cast Names
  • Performance Dates
  • Performance Location (including venue and city/town)


  • If you adapt, remix, or build upon this work, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original.

No Additional Restrictions:

  • You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.


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For further clarification or to request commercial use rights, contact the author directly.

By proceeding with any performance of The Last Stop, you agree to adhere to the terms of this license.

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